ACURIL LII Annual Conference
Pegasus Hotel, Kingston Jamaica
JUNE 4 – 8, 2023
Conference theme:
Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges in Libraries, Museums and Archives of the Caribbean
The Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL) is excited to announce its 52nd Conference to be held from June 4-8, 2023, in Jamaica. The conference theme is Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges in Libraries, Museums and Archives of the Caribbean.
The ACURIL 2023 Conference aims to examine and discuss the current challenges of libraries in the Caribbean, discover and debate the new trends in the information world that would counteract some of these challenges and, and forge a new direction for the future of our libraries. Likewise, it seeks to identify the necessary changes to help boost libraries towards proactive actions that will allow them to incorporate new roles and respond to the needs that society demands without losing the essence that has always characterized them.
Through dynamic presentations, poster sessions, workshops, and the exhibitors fair, the 2023 ACURIL Conference seeks to:
- Describe and analyze different challenges that libraries, archives, and museums in the Caribbean have faced and are currently facing.
- Explore, describe, and recommend alternatives and functional models applied in the Caribbean information units to cope with the crises and challenges faced.
- Identify the new trends adopted by the libraries of the future from the opportunities presented.
- Provide opportunities for the discussion and the development of new knowledge.
- Provide a space to reflect and share best practices.
The ACURIL 2023 Jamaica Conference Program Committee invites proposals for paper, workshop and poster presentations which explore the following Sub-themes:
1. Developing Next Generation Library Facilities and Technologies
The world has seen sweeping changes that have forced libraries with a sense of urgency to search for a new generation of technology products and services to support user needs. This sub-theme will explore what Caribbean libraries have been doing to keep in step with developing next generation library facilities and technologies.
2. Next Generation GLAM-R Services and Resources
Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums and Records Management (GLAM-R) institutions now simultaneously serve multiple generations of patrons, each bringing their own expectations and experiences. Even the composition of library collections has changed to include higher proportions of electronic and digital materials relative to print. How can regional institutions take their services to the next level? What resources do they need to do so? These questions and more will be closely examined under this sub-theme.
3. The Knowledge Economy and Libraries, Museums and Archives
The knowledge economy is focused on the essential importance of human capital in the 21st-century economy. The rapid expansion of knowledge and the increasing reliance on computerization, big data analytics, and automation are changing the economy of the developed world to one that is more dependent on intellectual capital and skills, and less dependent on the production process. What is the role of libraries, archives, museums and records management institutions in all of this change sweeping the world?
4. Whole Person Preparation: Skills, Attitude, Training
Many libraries are suddenly finding themselves at tipping points that demand new operational priorities and strategies as well as staff competencies. What are the skills, attitude and training required by library staff to provide the innovation in service that is now the new imperative?
Each presenter will be given 20 minutes maximum to present her/his paper. It is recommended that presenters highlight key points and not read their paper.
- Ten (10) minutes will be allowed for questions and answers.
- All presenters must prepare a full paper (original work/research) that will be peer-reviewed for inclusion in the conference proceedings. See guidelines below on how to submit a paper presentation proposal.
- The proposal abstract must be presented in the English language and the author’s official language.
- Papers can be presented in any of the three official languages of ACURIL: English, Spanish, or French.
Proposals must be sent via the Acuril conference website
Topic proposals should include:
- Title of paper
- Abstract (200-500 words)
- Name of the presenter(s)
- Biodata of the presenter (s) (150 words)
- Position/title of the presenter (s)
- Employer/Institutional affiliation (s)
- E-mail address(es)
- Telephone numbers
- Necessary IT-Equipment
Guidelines for Submission of Final Paper
For the final work, each presenter must provide one (1) written document in electronic format of the presentation. The written document must be submitted as a Microsoft Word (.doc) file along with the presentation slides and / or videos. The format requirements for the written document are:
- Title heading – Times New Roman 12pt, Bold, centered all caps.
- Sub-headings – Times New Roman 11pt, centered.
- Name and title, institutional affiliation, e-mail – Times Roman, 11pt, centered.
- The summary of the final work
- Bibliography citation style: American Psychological Association (APA), 7th ed.
Submission of Abstracts March 12, 2023
Notification of Acceptance March 18, 2023
Final document delivery on April 18, 2023
The workshop presentations are intended to provide opportunities for delegates to exchange case studies and projects related to one or more of the conference themes.
Workshops should address at least one of the subtopics mentioned above and should be based on the presenter’s field or practical experience. In addition, presenters are encouraged to relate their workshops to the ACURIL Special Interest Groups or Content Area Roundtables.
Workshop Format
Workshop size will be limited to 25 participants to encourage interaction. Where suitable, presenters are encouraged to use a wide range of illustrative matter to support their workshop presentations. Workshops can be presented in any of the three official languages of ACURIL – English, French, or Spanish.
Time devoted to the workshop: 1 hour, including questions and answers sections.
How to submit a Workshop Presentation Proposal
Workshops can be presented in any of the three official languages of ACURIL – English, French, or Spanish. Proposals must be sent via the Acuril Conference website
Workshop presentation abstracts will be published in the final program.
Submission of Abstracts March 12, 2023
Notification of Acceptance March 18, 2023
Final document delivery on April 18, 2023
The poster presentation aims to provide opportunities for information professionals to highlight and share successful ideas and experiences by presenting a special project, a problem-solving strategy, a research study, an innovative program or service in a library and /or information services aligned to the conference theme. Pushing forward with change, we’re adapting our Poster presentations to the age we are living in, and this year we would like to continue with ‘Digital poster presentations’.
A poster presentation is an excellent opportunity to showcase your projects or get feedback on an idea that has been implemented. The information will be placed on screens that will allow conference attendees to pass through and participate in the poster presentations. The posters will be exhibited on electronic screens that will be placed in the designated area for Posters Caribbean Boulevard and on the Conference website. Conference attendees will be able to visit the screen area and visit the website to participate in the poster presentations.
Submission Requirements for Poster Proposal Summaries
Poster presentations can be in any of the three official languages of ACURIL – English, Spanish, or French.
Posters Proposals must be sent via the Acuril Conference website
Proposals must include:
Poster presentations abstracts will be published in the final program
Rules for the presentation of posters
- The posters will be displayed during the ACURIL conference in Kingston, starting June 4, 2023.
- Poster presentations must address at least one of the sub-themes of the conference.
- The poster display should include a statement of the theme or problem, objectives of the research, project or idea being presented, the methodology used to solve the problem or implement the program, the major findings or outcomes and their significance, conclusions, and at least 3 references (APA style, 7th edition).
- An effective poster presentation must visually demonstrate the key elements or significant points of a theme, product or service related to the conference.
- The posters should be in horizontal format
- The poster will be made in PowerPoint using the template provided once the proposal is submitted and accepted.
- Screen prints, charts, drawings, photographs, and other graphics along with text, to illustrate the presentation, are encouraged.
- Posters may be accompanied with hand-outs.
- All posters to be displayed should be prepared before arrival.
- Presenters should send the posters in digital format to the conference organizers in Jamaica.
Submission of Abstracts March 12, 2023
Notification of Acceptance March 18, 2023
Final document delivery on April 18, 2023
Should you have any questions about your submission, kindly contact:
Dr. Elizabeth Pierre Louis
Executive Secretary /Coordinator
ACURIL Caribbean Posters Boulevard
David Drysdale
ACURIL President 2022-2023 and
Chair, Conference Program Committee