Dr Berthamae Walker
Past President, 2019-2021, Law Librarian, Immediate Past University Librarian, University of The Bahamas

Ms. Kumaree Ramtahal
Past President 2017-2018, Librarian, The Alma Jordan Library, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine
Trinidad and Tobago

Ms. Jane W. Smith
Past President 2014-2015, Ex-Library Director at Anton de Kom Library, University of Suriname (retired and library consultant)

Ms. Dorcas Bowler
Past President, 2013-2014, Library Director at National Library and Information Services, The Bahamas

Dr. Jeannette Lebron-Ramos
Past President 2021-2022, IFLA-LAC Chair, Bibliotecaria I Sistema de Bibliotecas Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras
Puerto Rico

Ms. Astrid Britten
Past President 2005-2006, Librarian, Director Biblioteca Nacional Aruba

Ms. Gretchen M. Carrasquillo Ramos
Past Personal Member, 2019-2021
Puerto Rico