1. Institutions – Categories for institutions recognizes the excellence in the services of information units, members of ACURIL. It is ACURIL’s interest to stimulate and stand out the continued interaction and sharing of experiences of archives, libraries, documentation centers and other information units. ACURIL stimulates all its members to actively participate in this program. The Stephney Ferguson Library Programs for Special Information Needs Award: The ACURIL President’s Award. To recognize and distinguish a school, public or national library in the Caribbean, which has demonstrated excellence of service providing a program to satisfy special community information needs.
2. Caribbean Information Professional of the Year – ACURIL announces the Information Professional in the Caribbean Award in order to recognize and honor the individual commitment, excellence in performance, and outstanding professional achievement of an information specialist (librarian, archivists, documentalists, etc.) in the Caribbean, members of ACURIL (in any of the linguistic areas: English, French or Dutch and Spanish). It is ACURIL’s interest to stimulate and stand out the highest performance of information professionals in the Caribbean, members of the organization.
Other Professional Awards
Leadership in the Use of New Information Technologies to Expand and Facilitate Access to Serials Content. EBSCO Information Services Award. To recognize and distinguish a school, academic, public or national library for its innovative, creative and effective achievement in planning and implementing a program or service with serial publications, using information technologies, for the benefit of its clientele. Nature of the Award: A plaque, a special prize and citation. Ebsco use their own award guidelines
The OCLC Award for Innovative Cooperation Initiatives in the Caribbean recognizes a school, academic, public, or national library for an innovative initiative that leverages cooperation in the planning and implementation of a program or service—ideally using technology—for the benefit of its employees, users, or community. The Award is given to a library, information, or archival service that also is a member of the Association of Caribbean University, Research, and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL). OCLC use their own Award Guidelines English Award Guidelines & English Nomination form
Innovative and Effective Information Services with the Application of Information Technologies. Gale Group Award. To recognize and distinguish a school, academic, public or national library for its innovative, creative and effective achievement in planning and implementing a program or service, for the benefit of its clientele, using information technologies. Nature of the Award: A plaque, a special prize and citation. Gale Group use their own award guidelines
The Albertina Pérez de Rosa Information Units Collaborative or Unique Projects in the Caribbean Award. ACURIL, Puerto Rico Chapter Award. To recognize and honor the excellent performance of collaborative efforts of information units as communities of practice, or unique efforts of local or regional information units evidenced through the implementation of successful information projects for the benefit of their clienteles in the Caribbean. Nature of the Award: A plaque and citation. The Puerto Rico Chapter use their own award Guidelines
The deadline for submission will be determined each year.